Covid-19 has disrupted the global economy and the job market, leaving some employers little choice but to downsize their headcount to survive. Being made redundant can affect everyone mentally, financially, and emotionally. However, the key to surviving this is to overcome the challenges and make the most out of it. Why? It's a temporary state of being. This article aims to help you through this challenging time, improve your future resilience in the job search market, and maintain your emotional well-being. Let's get started:
Being Made Redundant? Keep Calm and Get Yourself Organized.
Unemployment is on the rise, especially at this challenging time when the global economy is battling with a worldwide health crisis. The first step to take at this challenging period is to design for putting an end to your current state of being.
Keep calm and take a deep breath. Get organized but do not procrastinate. Don't think getting organized means that you should start hunting for jobs 24/7. Don't overstress yourself; take time off. When you get back on track, create a daily schedule for your job hunting. Leave space for other activities you'll want to engage in too. It provides you with an opportunity to examine your lifestyle and sort out your habits.
Network! Network! Network!
When it comes to landing a great job, there is usually one secret: a good network. Nurturing your existing networks could be difficult while you are working. Therefore, being made redundant looks like a benefit in disguise. It offers an excellent opportunity to fall back on your networking game.
There are lots of things to do to boost your network. Some of these includes:
Join professional associations or networks that are relevant to your fields such as the Private Wealth Management Association and Bloomberg Women's Buy-side Network
Participate in events that are specific to your industry including workshops, seminars, presentations, and meetings
While you are actively looking toward navigating through the challenges brought by COVID-19, remember that you need a new job that will help you cater for your family, your mortgage, and more. Download this guide to help you discover, identify, and target your desired job.
Pick Up Your Resume and Update
Taking care of the paperwork will help you secure your dream job more quickly. While you are still active at work, it can be hard to make time to update your resume. So, being made redundant gives you a perfect time to relax and write down your professional accomplishment. How do you start?
Check the most recent education and work experience and update it
Do you possess the right soft skills to work from home? What makes you "business-critical"? What additional skills do you possess that companies can consider to hire you at this difficult period?
Where was your last place of work? Focus on it and examine how it relates to where you want to be next
Finding Your Desired Job is Hard: Use a Specialist Recruiter Now!
While your employment status may have been affected by COVID-19, the job search can be a daunting task, and it is even easier with expert guidance. Have you lost your job due to COVID-19? Are you looking to find a better potential opening than your current position? Work with a specialist recruiter. We will match you with a job that perfectly aligns with your talents, skillset, and experience.
Download this guide to discover more.