At Selby Jennings, we work closely with hiring managers and high calibre professionals every day. As a result, we receive perspectives from companies and individuals. We would like to share these market updates to those who are interested. If you wish to have a conversation regarding the market, contact us.
Market update for March 2020:
Risk Management
In demand 1: Credit Analyst
We are seeing a lot of demand for Credit candidates across both banking and commodities. Most of the demands are with the small to mid-sized firms (SMBs). Clients seem to be looking for credit analysts with financial statement analysis skills. On the other hand, commodities houses are hiring for mid-level credit analyst. It is because to help strengthen their credit processes and sure risk is managed within the right limits and appetite. We have not seen much demand for credit approvers, and not much demand for credit reporting skills.
In demand 2: Contract position
We are also seeing a slight rise in contract positions. This seems to be a solution to the current uncertainty amidst the virus situation. As firms still need the headcount but aren’t sure how long they can commit for as the year ahead seems slightly uncertain.
In demand 3: Risk candidates with Data knowledge
There also seems to be a demand for risk candidates with data knowledge, and who can work in a hybrid capacity of risk management and data analysis. Firms are continuously looking to automate and improve the efficiency of their risk processes. Candidates with data experience would help advance this for the business.
Legal & Compliance
We are seeing demand for client onboarding roles both from a compliance and operational perspective. There seems to be a dip in hiring for compliance roles within asset management. The asset management industry itself is facing some turbulent times as investors become more frugal about where they put their money. With the initiation of the Payment Services Act in 2019, these firms have looked to hire compliance professionals from asset management as the regulations are similar to CMS. These fintech and tech firms also want to ensure that they are in good regulatory health and are ahead of the curve with any upcoming regulations.
We work closely with clients to look for the best talent for them. Find out our latest openings in risk management and legal & compliance across Asia. You may also submit your latest CV to us.
If you are looking to hire, contact us.