Title: VP Counterparty Credit Risk
Salary: $160,000-$200,000
Company Summary:
A lead investment banking firm's risk division is expanding their credit risk team. They are looking to a hire a VP for counterparty credit risk. The organization is seeking someone with functional expertise in financial markets specifically portfolio risk management. The ideal candidate can perform counterparty reviews and assess financial strengths of hedge funds, mutual funds, and private equity funds. Someone who has client and business focus mindset that can help identify needs is crucial. They are seeking a candidate who values growth and learning opportunities. Ability to lead a team and collaborate with others is necessary.
The VP of Counterparty Credit Risk will be responsible for...
- Evaluate derivatives and financial transactions across clients
- Assess hedge fund financial strength (mutual funds, private equity funds) with counterparty credit analysis
- Execute counterparty reviews, recommend ratings and set risk limits
The VP of Counterparty Credit Risk should have the following qualifications...
- 6-10 years of experience working in financial analyst role
- Knowledge of the capital markets
- Confident communicator and attention to detail
- Bachelor degree in business or finance
- The firm offers a competitive and negotiable salary, along with flexible benefit plans
- Fitness club or membership
- Family care
- Wealth creation and equity opportunities